Saturday, October 13, 2018

5 Best Myanmar Travel Experiences

“Myanmar is a life changing experience”.

Almost every traveler who has visited Myanmar says the same thing. Many people skip Myanmar for the easier, well trodden, backpacker route of Thailand-Laos-Cambodia-Vietnam. However, we suggest you not to miss out on such an awesome country; now is the time to go. In my opinion, Myanmar offers more than all the other countries of South East Asia thrown together, here are three of the best Myanmar travel experiences for budding explorers.

1.    Meet The Locals
Travelers often say that Myanmars are the kindest, most friendly people and are willing to go above and beyond to make friends with you, help you out and make sure you are having a great time in their country. They always seem to be happy, smiling and keen to practice their English over a glass of tea! They can be quite a shy people as they are extremely polite, kids tend to be the exception to the rule – they will always run up to you to practice their English.
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2.    Explore the Insane Ruins
If you like exploring lost cities, then the ruins of Bagan in Central Burma is without the doubt the most stunning, least touristy and beautiful ruins. spent an incredible few days exploring by bike, watching the sun set over Bagan’s temple studded plains and making friends with the local kids out to practice their English. For the true adventurer, you can head even deeper into the country’s largely unexplored regions and visit the stunning temple ruins at Mrauk Au, you will probably have them all to yourself. Exploring temples is one of the best Myanmar travel experiences for history-geeks
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3.    Trekking
Trekking in Myanmar is comparatively new; however, various trek organizers are providing this adventure to the backpackers. Mostly, the backpackers come for two days trek around the stilt villages of Myanmar.

Image result for trekking in  Myanmar

For more information you can call us on visit our website . We have a 24*7 customer care executives to assist you with your queries.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Burma (Myanmar) FAQ’s

1.    Is it required to get a visa to travel to Burma?
Answer – Yes, It’s required to have a visa to travel to Burma (Myanmar). The Myanmar Government has approved Visa on Arrival which allows tourists to apply visa online and get visa stamp when you arrive in Yangon, Mandalay, and Naypyidaw international airports. The whole process takes from 2 to 7 days and you are supported for all the travel information as well visa guide so that you get it the fastest. This procedure is the best if there are no Myanmar Embassy in your country you do not have time to visit the embassy.

2.    Which are the countries eligible for e-Visa to Myanmar?
Answer – Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cote d’lvoire, Croatia, Cyprus, CZECH, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Eritrea, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Guinea, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Korea DPR, Korea Republic, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Maldive, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Monaco, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam.

3.    When should you apply for the visa?
Answer – The validity of the e-Visa is 90 days from the date of issuance. Hence, don’t apply for it more than three months in advance of your trip.

4.    Are travelers’ checks viable in Burma? Are ATM’s available? Do vendors usually take credit cards or do small vendors not have the equipment?
Answer – In Burma, US Dollars are used widely. ATM’s are new to Burma. Hence, it is advisable to keep cash and travelers checks as a backup.
For cash make sure that the bills are clean and new, without rips, tears or creases. Also note that, you’ll have to carry bills that are newer than 2006.

5.    What kind of clothes is appropriate for the trip to Burma?
Answer – Burma is a hot country, however conservative about the clothing. Hence, it is advisable to avoid shorts, skirts or anything revealing.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Everything You Need to Know About Burmese Cuisine

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Food is an important part of travelling. It is believed that how and what a culture eats gives great insight of the country and its people. Burmese cuisine is whisk of flavorful ingredients that make unique dishes which are a must try. It offers a plethora of authentic dishes from various regions of Myanmar. It’s unique yet it has subtle flavors which are highly influenced by Chinese, Indian and Thai cuisine.

The Burmese dishes consist of largely plant or sea food based ingredients and most of its flavors are tenuous with a balance of sour, salty, bitter and spicy, all in one go.
One most important thing to take into consideration is that it uses fish products such as fish sauce, and ngapi (a kind of a paste which is made using either fish or shrimps).
Keeping that aside, rice or htamin as they call it, is their regional specialty. The boiled rice is one of the signature dishes which is savored widely by the locals.

If you ever happen to go to a Burmese restaurant, you will see that a main dish will always be followed with a side dish. It can either be soup or boiled vegetables and herbs. They are best enjoyed by pairing with dips ranging from ngapi (fish dip) to balachaung (a combination of chili, garlic and dried shrimp fried in oil). 

Can’t resist indulging in some Burmese cuisine? Visit the country immediately. To get an e-Visa to Myanmar visit

Mysterious Land of Myanmar

Image result for Burma
Burma;  a land full of wilderness and exotica, like a land straight out of Kipling books. This country is as always continues to open up to the outside world, more travelers are venturing to this fascinating country.

Myanmar is undergoing a rapid transition following historic elections in 2015 and it can be difficult finding the latest information on what to expect when you visit. Here is a brief rundown to help you plan your trip:

1.    Visas (Check)
It is possible for citizens of 100 countries to apply online for a tourist e-visa to Myanmar by visiting our website i.e. .It is only possible to enter Myanmar on an e-visa at Yangon, Mandalay and Nay Pyi Taw international airports; and at three Thai-Myanmar land border crossings Tachileik, Myawadi (Myawaddy) and Kawthoung (Kawthaung). Check the immigration website for the latest at the time you travel

2.    Place to Stay at
As in 2012 Myanmar government lifted the sanction and since then Myanmar is flooding with the tourist, hence there is a little shortage of the accommodations. Hence, it is advisable to pre book your accommodation at least a month before your visit to the country

3.    Money
It’s a fact that Myanmar has become a little expensive over the years. So make it a point to adjust your budget accordingly. In particular, prices for even basic accommodation have risen dramatically. In tourist hot spots like Bagan, you can pay US$35 to US$40 for a dingy, no-frills room

Plan a visit to Myanmar and leave the Visa on us. Visit our website i.e. for easy and hassle - free visa. 

Ultimate Travel Guide to Bagan, Myanmar

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One of the most fable-like places in the world is Bagan in Myanmar (Burma). If you like Angkor Wat in Cambodia or Cappadocia in Turkey then you would surely love Bagan. The area contains 2200 + small and big temples (pagodas) and seem like an African country when biking around. Get easy visa to Myanmar by visiting our website i.e.

It is also in the running to become the next UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) World Heritage and when it does, it is going to get a lot more crowded full to the gunwales. This Bagan Guide will help you plan your days in Bagan.

3 Things to do in Bagan, Myanmar
If you visit Myanmar, Bagan, we suggest you to pay experience at least these three things which are as follows:

1.    Balloon Flight at Sunrise
Just imagine how magical would it be to wake up floating between the temples at the same time you slowly feel the comfortable heat of the rising sun on your face. A balloon ride in the morning is something you should definitely experience

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2.    Visit the most Beautiful Temples in Bagan
Bagan is home to many beautiful temples, which would be little difficult to cover up in one trip
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3.    Rent an e-Bike in Bagan
Few years back, the government of India introduced something called electric motorbikes that will go around the area in a very relaxed but more important, but silent way.
You can rent an e-bike almost everywhere. A good price for an e-bike in Bagan is somewhere between 5000 – 7000 Kyat ($5 per day). The price may rise a bit if you are on the bike with two people

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In order to experience these adventures, you would need a visa. Get in touch with us by visiting our website i.e.