Thursday, October 11, 2018

Ultimate Travel Guide to Bagan, Myanmar

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One of the most fable-like places in the world is Bagan in Myanmar (Burma). If you like Angkor Wat in Cambodia or Cappadocia in Turkey then you would surely love Bagan. The area contains 2200 + small and big temples (pagodas) and seem like an African country when biking around. Get easy visa to Myanmar by visiting our website i.e.

It is also in the running to become the next UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) World Heritage and when it does, it is going to get a lot more crowded full to the gunwales. This Bagan Guide will help you plan your days in Bagan.

3 Things to do in Bagan, Myanmar
If you visit Myanmar, Bagan, we suggest you to pay experience at least these three things which are as follows:

1.    Balloon Flight at Sunrise
Just imagine how magical would it be to wake up floating between the temples at the same time you slowly feel the comfortable heat of the rising sun on your face. A balloon ride in the morning is something you should definitely experience

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2.    Visit the most Beautiful Temples in Bagan
Bagan is home to many beautiful temples, which would be little difficult to cover up in one trip
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3.    Rent an e-Bike in Bagan
Few years back, the government of India introduced something called electric motorbikes that will go around the area in a very relaxed but more important, but silent way.
You can rent an e-bike almost everywhere. A good price for an e-bike in Bagan is somewhere between 5000 – 7000 Kyat ($5 per day). The price may rise a bit if you are on the bike with two people

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In order to experience these adventures, you would need a visa. Get in touch with us by visiting our website i.e.

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