Tuesday, November 13, 2018

A Handy Food Guide for Your Next Trip to Myanmar

If you’re in Myanmar, you should definitely indulge in delectable Burmese cuisine which you will thoroughly enjoy. The Burmese cuisine is an amalgamation of Indian and Thai flavors and it comes out as a delicious Asian delight.

1.    Mohinga
When in Myanmar, trying Mohinga is a must. Mohinga is a bowl of rice noodles with a base of fish soup and topped with crispy fried fitters. It’s considered to be the staple breakfast meal for the locals.
Image result for Mohinga

2.    Dan Bauk
Also known as Burmese Biryani in Myanmar, this dish has a typical desi touch of turmeric, saffron, and coconut milk, the Burmese made their own version of Biryani by adding Ambrosia, veggies, and meat.
Image result for Dan Bauk

3.    Burmese Fish Curry
Burmese curry taste slightly different from Indian fish curry or Thai curry.  Locals in Myanmar relish this food a lot.
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4.    Khao Suey Thote
 It’s delicious taste of chicken noodles soup which is known Khao Suye in Myanmar. This Burmese food is made up of spicy coconut milk broth and boneless chicken which makes an unusual combination but tastes heavenly.
Image result for Khao Suey Thote

5.    Sticky Rice with Shredded Coconut
If you’re a rice person, Myanmar has a lot to offer. Try sticky rice with shredded coconut while you’re in Myanmar. This Burmese dish is served with a hint of lemon flavor and fried corn sprinkled on sticky rice.
Image result for Sticky Rice with Shredded Coconut

Visit Myanmar and you can get in touch with us by visiting our website i.e. www.e-visamyanmar.com/. Also, we’ve a 24*7 customer care executives in order to assist you with your queries.

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