Wednesday, December 5, 2018

What to Pack for a Myanmar Trip

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On a vacation to a foreign land, our biggest dilemma is what to pack for a Myanmar trip. To travel to Myanmar, we’ve listed out some of the essentials one needs for visiting Myanmar.

1.   Insect Spray
In Myanmar, the bugs are in plentiful. And the travelers often seem to complain about the bugs especially in the evening time with the sunsets in Inle Lake and at the U-Bein Bridge, together with post sunset Bagan, being particularly bad for mosquitoes.

2.   A Torch or Headlamp     
Keep a small torch or headlamp handy in your luggage. You would need them for various reasons. Firstly, street lamps are sparse in cities such as Yangon and Mandalay and the sidewalks are an unpredictable mix of paving stones and deep holes which invite you to fall in at best and twist or break something if your luck is out.

3.   Sunscreen and a Hat       
The weather of Myanmar is extreme hot and dangerous UV levels. Sunscreens are a must at all times. A hat is a perfect for the long and sunny Bagan days when you’re out exploring the temples.

4.   Flip Flops
Myanmar is full of pagodas and temples hence one needs to remove footwear when entering pagodas and temples. It’s not optional and there is nothing worse than trying and untying   laces in the sweltering heat every time you enter a tourist sight.

5.   US (United States) Dollars
For some Myanmar activities, US dollars are required. In Bagan, you will require to pay in US dollars for some of the activities.

In case you’re planning to visit Myanmar, then get in touch with us by visiting our website i.e. Also we’ve a 24*7 customer care executives in order to assist you with your queries.

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