Saturday, August 11, 2018

3 Must Taste Foods of Myanmar

Myanmar has recently opened up about tourism. And it has only increased over the years. Once you get a visa to enter the territory of this country, it is all opened up for you to discover it. And food is another reason to visit this beautiful country.

In this article, we will list out top 3 must have foods that you simply cannot afford to miss:

1.    Mohinga
Flavored with turmeric, ginger, chili powder, garlic and lemongrass, this fish soup is breakfast in a bowl. It’s also considered to be a street-food snack or the main dish of a comforting meal.

2.    Thoke (Salad)
Salad has a different meaning for the Burmese. It’s their version of fast – food. It is made of rice, ginger, tea leaves, and lemon grass fish. And rice can be alternated with noodles as well.

3.    Mandalay Mee Shay (rice noodles with pork)
If you are in Myanmar, this rice noodles with pork is a must have for you. Of many varieties of Mee Shay, this dish is the last royal capital food of Burma

To enjoy all these delicacies, and explore this beautiful country, you would require a visa. We also provide urgent basis e-visa Myanmar. Get in touch with us by visiting our website i.e.

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