Saturday, August 18, 2018

5 Top Myanmar Festivals that’s a Reflection of Beautiful Burmese Tradition

Myanmar has recently opened up about its tourism. It’s a country which is breathtakingly beautiful, where you can plan a trip anytime you want, of course e-Visa is a must need to enter the country. However, if you make a plan to visit the country during their beautiful festivals, it will be even more blissful and wonderful to participate in.

Here we have made our top 5 festivals of Myanmar which is the reflection of authentic Burmese tradition:

1.    Shittaung Pagoda Festival
It’s a festival of dances, boat rowing competitions, boxing competitions etc. And mainly this festival is celebrated by the Rakhine people.

When – April
Where – Mrauk U town, Myanmar

2.    Thadingyut Festival of Lights
This festival is celebrated in winters and it symbolizes the return of Buddha to paradise from the mortal land. If you visit Myanmar this time of the year, you would spot some uncountable lanterns or lights on up the sky.

When – October
Where – Nationwide

3.    Taunggyi Balloon Festival
This most fun festival is celebrated every year right after the monsoon. Candle lit paper balloons cover the skies. There it is believed that all the evil spirits go away by this practice and invites positivity and happiness to the land.

When – October
Where – Nationwide

4.    Kyaukse Elephant Dance Festival
In this festival, a giant elephant is made with the bamboo and paper, and two men get inside it and try to match the beats and the rhythm of the drums. This festival is celebrated to increase the unity between people.

When – October
Where – Kyaukse near Mandalay

5.    Thingyan Water Festival
This festival is celebrated in order to mark the new Burmese year. People get drench and splash water on each other through pipes from jeeps and trucks, and children enjoy with little water pistols. And the aim of this festival is to cleanse the past sins.

When – April
Where – Kandawgyi Pat Lann and Kabaraye Roads, Yangon, Myanmar

In order to participate in these fun – filled festivals, you would require a visa. Get in touch with us by visiting our website

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